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  • Elena
  • I have learned Chinese for several years. I changed more than 3 teachers. I need a systemic and efficient studying. And I want to know more about china , Chinese and Chinese culture. Then my friend introduced me Mandarin Garden. What the teacher there gav
  • Alicia
  • Through the Chinese culture activities, I make many friends from all over the world. I learnt how to make dumplings, rice dumplings and flower arrangement. I like the activities of Mandarin Garden. They enriched my life in Shanghai.
  • Conni
  • I am glad to study in Mandarin Garden. My teacher is very nice and helpful, and the staff of the school is nice to me. I love Chinese and I love to learn Chinese. It’s very practical. I will try to learn it well.
  • Pierre
  • Mandarin Garden is a great place to get to know Chinese culture and to learn Chinese.They offer plenty of activities for an even profounder knowledge.The atmosphere is professional and at the same time relaxed.
  • Niels
  • I don’t like studying in a boring class. i wish my teacher can always be passionate and push me to study further. In Mandarin Garden, I found the right teacher for me and now I enjoy my class very much. Thanks a lot.
  • Tomas
  • I have compared several schools before my decision. I want to learn Chinese well and I also like to know Chinese culture. And I think the attitude of the teacher, the consultant here are all very positive. I like to stay with them and get the care from th


Chinese Knot

中国结,它身上所显示的情致与智慧正是中华古老文明中的一个文化面;是人类世代繁衍的隐喻;也是数学奥秘的游戏呈现。它有着复杂曼妙的曲线,却可以还原成最单纯的二维线条。它有着飘逸雅致的韵味,出自于太初年代人类生活的基本工具。JSeLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
中国结由旧石器时代的缝衣打结,推展至汉朝的仪礼记事,再演变成今日的装饰手艺。周朝人随身的佩戴玉常以中国结为装饰,而战国时代铜器上也有中国结的图案,延续至清朝才是中国结真正流传于民间艺术的时候,当时多用来室内装饰、亲友间的馈赠礼物及个人的随身饰物。民国69年(1980),由台湾一群热爱结绳艺术的朋友广为收集整理与研究,因为其外观对称精致,可以代表出中华民族悠久的历史,符合中国传统装饰的习俗和审美观念,故命名为中国结。JSeLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Chinese Knot
Chinese knot, it was a fantastic show and the wisdom of ancient civilization in a culture of face,Generations of human reproduction is the metaphor, The game is mathematical mystery.It is a complex and lithe and graceful curve, but can be the most simple reduction of two-dimensional line.It is elegant and refined flavor, from the beginning of human life in the basic tools.JSeLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Chinese knot by paleolithic sew knot, promote the han dynasty to Chicago, then turned into this chronicle of adornment craftsmanship. The man wearing jade often to carry the Chinese knot adornment, but also has the warring states bronze pattern of Chinese knot, continues to the qing dynasty is the Chinese knot really spread in the folk art, when many friends to interior decoration, between the individual with presents and ornaments. In (1980), a group of love by Taiwan rope friends of art collection and research, is because its appearance, can represent a delicate symmetry of the nation's history, with the custom of Chinese traditional decoration and aesthetic ideas, so named Chinese knot.


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