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Chinese Chess

中国象棋介绍  中国象棋是一种古老的智力游戏,人们往往通过对弈来参透一些人生的一些哲理,来提高自己的觉悟能力、思维能力和生活乐趣。 一、中国象棋的起源 中国象棋是起源于中国的一种棋戏,产生的年代不详。象棋在中国有着悠久的历史。在春秋战国时代文化名著的《楚辞. 招魂》中就有:“蔽象棋,有六博兮。”的词句。说明在当时已经有了“象棋”这个名词,当然那时的象棋不是现在的象棋,王逸注《楚辞》云“博,著也,行六棋,故曰六博。”。司马迁在《史记》中也提到了六博。据《史记.第六十九卷.苏秦列传》中记载:当时齐地的居民安居乐业“斗鸡走狗,六博蹋鞠”。可见象棋在当时已经开始在民间广泛流行。那时的棋,大概是一方为六子,叫“六博”。另据《说苑》记载:雍门子周以琴见孟尝君,曾说“足下......燕则斗象棋而舞郑女。”。可见当时,在达官权贵和士大夫中,已经很流行下棋了。 棋盘里的河界,又名“楚河汉界”。这个名称,可能是受到楚汉相争,韩信作象棋的传说的影响。传说无从考证,多半是后人附加的。 进入明、清两代,象棋的发展有了长足的进步,名手辈出,佳作如云。棋理棋势的研究更加深化,促进了象棋文化的发展。是古代象棋史上的黄金时期。 建国以后,象棋工作者们总结发扬了前人的文化遗产,勇于创新,锐意进取,使象棋文化的更加绚丽多彩,真正成为了中华文化史上,一颗璀璨的明珠。  二、.棋盘和棋子 1.棋盘 象棋盘由九道直线和十道横线交叉组成。棋盘上共有九十个交叉点,象棋子就摆放和活动在这些交叉点上。棋盘中间没有划通直线的地方,叫做"河界";划有交叉线的地方,叫做"九宫"。九道直线,红棋方面从右到左用中文数字一至九来代表,黑棋方面从右到左用阿拉伯数字1至9来表示。 2.棋子 棋子共有三十二个,分为红、黑两组,每组十六个,各分七种,其名称和数目如下: 红棋子:帅一人,车、马、炮、相、士各两个,兵五个。 黑棋子:将一个,车、马、炮、象、士各两个,卒五个。 三、走棋和吃子 1.对弈 在对局时,由执红棋的一方先走,双方轮流各走一着,直至分出胜负或走成和棋为止。轮到走棋的一方, 将某个棋子从一个交叉点到另一个空着的交叉点, 或者吃掉对方的棋子而占领叉点,都算走了一着。 双方各走了一着,称为一个回合。 2、 各种棋子的走法 帅(将):帅和将是棋中的首脑,是双方竭力争夺的目标。它只能在"九宫"之内活动,可上可下,可左可右,每次走动只能按竖线或横线走动一格。帅与将不能在同一直线上直接对面,否则走方判负。  仕(士):仕(士)是帅(将)的贴身保镖,它也只能在九宫内走动。它的行棋路径只能是九宫内的斜线。 相(象):相(象)的主要作用是防守,保护自己的帅(将)。它的走法是每次循对角线走两格,俗称"象走田"。相(象)的活动范围限于"河界"以内的本方阵地,不能过河,且如果它走的"田"字中央有一个棋子,就不能走,俗称"塞象眼"。  车:车在象棋中威力最大,无论横线、竖线均可行走,只要无子阻拦,步数不受限制。因此,一车可以控制十七个点,故有"一车十子寒"之称。  炮:炮在不吃子的时候,走动与车完全相同。  马:马走动的方法是一直一斜,即先横着或直着走一格,然后再斜着走一个对角线,俗称"马走日"。马一次可走的选择点可以达到四周的八个点,故有"八面威风"之说。如果在要去的方向有别的棋子挡住,马就无法走过去,俗称"蹩马腿"。 兵(卒):兵(卒)在未过河前,只能向前一步步走,过河以后,除不能后退外,允许左右移动,但也只能一次一步。 3.吃子 走一着棋时,如果己方棋子能够走到的位置有对方棋子存在,就可把对棋子吃掉而占领那个位置。只有炮吃了必须隔一个棋子(棋子可以是任何一方的)跳吃,即俗称"炮打隔子"。 四、将军、应将、将死、困毙  一方的棋子攻击对方的帅(将),并在下一着要把它吃掉,称为"将军",或简称"将"。被"将军"的一方必须立即"应将",即用自卫的着法去化解被"将"的状态。 如果被"将军"而无法"应将",就算被"将死"。 轮到走棋的一方,帅(将)虽没被对方"将军",却被禁在一个位置上无路可走,同时己方其它棋子也都不能走动,就算被"困毙"。 五、胜、负 1.胜负 对局时,一方出现下列情况之一,就算输棋,对方得胜:  (一)帅(将)被对方吃掉; (二)走棋时不得违反"不得将三将"的规定; (三)被"困毙"或"将死"; (四)走棋超时; (五)自己宣布认输;  2.和对局时,出现下列情况之一,就算和棋: (一)时间到,还未分胜负; (二)提议作和,应使双方机会均等。先得出者如被对方拒绝,三次的机会,之后不得再度提出; (三)60回合无吃子,判为和棋N8hLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Chinese Chess
Chinese chess has a long history. Its origin has not been confirmed yet. But judging by its rules, we can conclude that the origin of Chinese chess was closely related to military strategists in ancient China. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, wars were fought for years running. A new chess game was patterned after the array of troops. This was the earliest form of Chinese chess. During the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties, a kind of chess game was popular among the people. It laid a foundation for the finalized pattern of the Chinese chess. In ancient times, the Chinese chess was always enjoyed by both highbrows and lowbrows. During the reign of Suzong of the Tang Dynasty, Prime Minister Niu Sengru wrote a fake story about chess. That occurred during the Baoying period, so it was named Baoying chess. Baoying chess had six pieces. He wrote about the rules of the chess. Baoying chess produced a significant influence on the chess in subsequent years. Three forms of chess took shape after the Song Dynasty. One of them consisted of 32 pieces. They were played on a chessboard with 9 vertical lines and 9 horizontal lines. Popular in those days was a chessboard without a river borderline. The Chu River and Han Borderline were added later. This form has lasted to this day. With the economic and cultural development during the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese chess entered a new stage. Many different schools of chess circles and chess players came into prominence. With the popularization of the Chinese chess, many books and manuals on the techniques of playing chess were published. They played an important role in popularizing the Chinese chess and improving the techniques of playing in modern times.
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