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  • Elena
  • I have learned Chinese for several years. I changed more than 3 teachers. I need a systemic and efficient studying. And I want to know more about china , Chinese and Chinese culture. Then my friend introduced me Mandarin Garden. What the teacher there gav
  • Alicia
  • Through the Chinese culture activities, I make many friends from all over the world. I learnt how to make dumplings, rice dumplings and flower arrangement. I like the activities of Mandarin Garden. They enriched my life in Shanghai.
  • Conni
  • I am glad to study in Mandarin Garden. My teacher is very nice and helpful, and the staff of the school is nice to me. I love Chinese and I love to learn Chinese. It’s very practical. I will try to learn it well.
  • Pierre
  • Mandarin Garden is a great place to get to know Chinese culture and to learn Chinese.They offer plenty of activities for an even profounder knowledge.The atmosphere is professional and at the same time relaxed.
  • Niels
  • I don’t like studying in a boring class. i wish my teacher can always be passionate and push me to study further. In Mandarin Garden, I found the right teacher for me and now I enjoy my class very much. Thanks a lot.
  • Tomas
  • I have compared several schools before my decision. I want to learn Chinese well and I also like to know Chinese culture. And I think the attitude of the teacher, the consultant here are all very positive. I like to stay with them and get the care from th


A Gypsy Wedding

 PSqLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

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 PSqLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 PSqLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

    I was studying flamenco guitar with a gypsy guitar player. I already played classical but I wanted to learn how to play flamenco. The gypsies do everything by ear so I had to learn to play by ear. Then once I did he wouldn’t teach me because they think it is too easy and will take away your work! After the first two lessons Chispeter invited the owner of the guitar shop to a gypsy wedding. He couldn’t go and sent me in his place. My first misunderstanding was the clothes I should wear. He told me to wear riding cloths. Well So I arrived in my boots and jodhpurs’. Those were English riding clothes. Spanish riding clothes are very elegant and are considered like we would consider a tuxedo. Only twenty years later did I learn the intricacies of the traje corto or Spanish riding clothes. We went to the church and waited outside. First came a carriage with 4 white horses carrying the bride. Then came a carriage of 4 black horses carrying the groom. They entered a very large church with approximately 500 people. The ceremony was very long. Half way through the ceremony everyone started yelling at the priest that he had made it too long; everyone wanted to go eat and drink. That was the end of the ceremony. The bride and groom left the church in the carriage with the white horses. We followed in our cars and many people followed on horseback wearing the traditional riding clothes. We went to a big outdoor restaurant where we all ate and drank too much. I asked how did a poor gypsy family pay for such an elaborate wedding. The family had won the lottery! They spent the money on the wedding.

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