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  • Elena
  • I have learned Chinese for several years. I changed more than 3 teachers. I need a systemic and efficient studying. And I want to know more about china , Chinese and Chinese culture. Then my friend introduced me Mandarin Garden. What the teacher there gav
  • Alicia
  • Through the Chinese culture activities, I make many friends from all over the world. I learnt how to make dumplings, rice dumplings and flower arrangement. I like the activities of Mandarin Garden. They enriched my life in Shanghai.
  • Conni
  • I am glad to study in Mandarin Garden. My teacher is very nice and helpful, and the staff of the school is nice to me. I love Chinese and I love to learn Chinese. It’s very practical. I will try to learn it well.
  • Pierre
  • Mandarin Garden is a great place to get to know Chinese culture and to learn Chinese.They offer plenty of activities for an even profounder knowledge.The atmosphere is professional and at the same time relaxed.
  • Niels
  • I don’t like studying in a boring class. i wish my teacher can always be passionate and push me to study further. In Mandarin Garden, I found the right teacher for me and now I enjoy my class very much. Thanks a lot.
  • Tomas
  • I have compared several schools before my decision. I want to learn Chinese well and I also like to know Chinese culture. And I think the attitude of the teacher, the consultant here are all very positive. I like to stay with them and get the care from th


Embarrassing Moments

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

           10682548_092725433159_2 (1).jpg4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

     I was studying in a master class in North Carolina. It was one of the few times the guitarist Andres Segovia taught in the United States. I was the only woman in the class. At that time for some reason very few woman studied guitar. Now there are many fine female guitarists but I found myself often without female friends in the class. I remembered two situations that happened that year instead of being embarrassing for the student which was the norm at that time it was embarrassing for the teacher. There is a wonderful American guitarist named Phil de Fremery. On his right hand he is missing one joint on his index finger. Segovia had very bad eyesight. The level of the class that year was very low as guitar was not yet taught in the conservatories of music in the USA. Phil was still developing prosthesis to be able to use the Index finger. The American way at the time was to try to come up with all kind of inventions to play as opposed to just putting in the hours of practice that was necessary to become a great musician. Segovia was at wits ends with the Students because the level was so low. Phil came up to play. He played a moving rendition of Mussorgsky’s old castle. As he was playing Segovia began to scream at him for trying to invent a device to play the guitar instead of just using his god given fingers and nails.Phil handled it in a unique way. He tilted his head up and looked Segovia straight in the eye. Without saying a word, he pulled his artificial finger off and kept looking at Segovia. Segovia was so embarrassed he stopped the class for the day and left the room!4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

 4TjLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden

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