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饺子是中国人最喜欢的食物之一。它通常是有馅的半圆形的麦制食品。在中国大多数地方,当人们庆祝春节或其他节日和招待亲朋好友的时候就会包饺子。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
饺子,可以追溯到很多世纪以前。它起源于黄河流域种小麦的地方。在春秋时期,大约是2500年前,人们就已经知道如何去把小麦磨成面粉,把包有馅的麦制食品放在青铜壶里蒸煮。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
所知道的最早的饺子是制作在早于1300年前,在20世纪70年代出土于新疆吐鲁番的一个唐朝墓地。那半圆的饺子大概五公分长。饺子皮是用面粉做的,而蔬菜就作为馅。它几乎和今天的饺子一模一样。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
中国人喜欢饺子不仅是因为它有多种口味,而最主要的原因是数百年来,饺子已经成为一种寓示吉祥的食物。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
饺子的外形是“圆”(圆形的)。中国人希望“团圆”(团聚)和“圆人”(完美)。饺子是扁圆的,它设计到类似于古代的一个形似金或银的锭子。当一家人聚在一起告别旧年迎接新年时,他们享受聚在一块儿吃饺子,来寓意他们将获得更多的财富与有一段更美好的生活。包满馅的饺子包含了各种祥的寓意。当一对夫妇结婚,包满花生和栗子的饺子就表示希望他们早生贵子 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
小小的饺子意味那么多吉祥的寓意,原来它和中国的传统习俗有着密切的联系。自古代,人们就按照传统习俗在除夕、正月第五天和冬至那天吃饺子。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
在现今社会,饺子的制作已经取得很大的进展。人们为一个丰富多样的饺子宴,能从速冻饺子中有了更多的选择对象。同样的,饺子是一种独具中国特色的食品,它也被其他国家的人们所喜爱。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
作为一个文化的载体,饺子是中国传统饮食文化的象征。它不同于西方的食物。一个汉堡包,夹着牛肉或鸡蛋,从外面就能够清楚地看到。但饺子是颇为不同。从外面你不知道它的馅是什么,只有当你吃的时候你才知道。它就等同中国的传统精神文化,尤其是被儒家思想保留和培养出来的性格。 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Jiaozi (饺子), a kind of dumpling, is a favourite food of Chinese people. It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing. In most areas of China, jiaozi is made when people celebrate the Spring Festival or other festivals and entertain relatives and friends. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Jiaozi dates back many centuries. It originated in the Yellow River valley where wheat was grown. During the Spring and Autumn Period, about 2,500 years ago, people already knew how to grind wheat into flour, make wheaten food with stuffing and steam it in bronze pots. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
The earliest jiaozi known was made more than 1,300 years ago and was found in a tomb of the Tang Dynasty unearthed in Turpan, Xinjiang in the 1970s. The semicircular jiaozi was about five centimeters long. The wrappers were made of flour and the stuffing was made of vegetables. It was almost the same as the jiaozi of today. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
The Chinese love jiaozi not only because it has a great variety of tastes. The main reason is that over the centuries it has become a kind of food implying the auspicious. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
The jiaozi wrapper is “yuan” (circular). The Chinese hope for “tuan yuan” (reunion) and “yuan man” (perfection). Jiaozi is oblate, similar in design to a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot in ancient times. When a family gets together to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new,they enjoy reunion and eat jiaozi to imply that they will acquire more wealth and have a better life in the new year.Jiaozi are filled with stuffing to contain various auspicious messages.When a couple get married, the jiaozi are filled with peanuts and chestnuts to express the hope that they will soon have a baby. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
The little jiaozi carries with it so many auspicious messages so it has close ties with traditional Chinese customs. Since ancient times, people have followed the traditional custom of eating jiaozi on the eve of the Spring Festival, on the fifth day of the first lunar month and on the day of the Winter Solstice. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
In present-day society, great progress has been made in the making of jiaozi. People have more options ranging from quick-frozen jiaozi to a rich variety of jiaozi feasts. As it is a kind of food with uniquely Chinese characteristics, jiaozi is also enjoyed by people from other countries. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
As a carrier of culture, jiaozi is typical of traditional Chinese cuisine culture. It is different from Western food. A hamburger is sandwiched with beef or an egg. It can be seen clearly from the outside. But jiaozi is quite different. You can’t know its stuffing from the outside. You can only find out when you eat it. It is identical to the spirit of traditional Chinese culture, especially the reserved and moderate character fostered by Confucianism. W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Jiaozi is probably not the representative of delicious Chinese food, but the psychological enjoyment is just as important, if not more so. This aspect cannot be displaced by any other food. Jiaozi has been with the Chinese people over so many auspicious occasions and it has become the most representative example of Chinese cuisine.

 W6kLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden



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