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风水学具有我国古代哲学、美学、地质、地理生态 、景观诸多方面丰富的内涵,并包含着人如何顺应自然的论述。其中不仅蕴含有心理因素,还包含了大量的视、知觉因素。现代科学证实,风水学是一门集美学、建筑学、气候学为一体的科学。  "风水"之义,由其典出及上述释义,可大略窥知,盖为考察山川地理环境,包括地质水文、生态、小气候及环境景观等,然后择其吉,而营筑城廓室舍及陵墓等,实为古代的一门实用的学术,故国家机关中,也有钦夭监专设官员职守风水事宜,如《大清会典》载:"凡相度风水,遇大工营建,钦天监委官,相阴阳,定方向,诹吉兴工,典至重也。" 风水术在其漫长历史沿革中,曾产生诸多流派,至少《周礼》的记述,已明显反映这种分化的端倪。围绕建筑选址营造活动,大略有两类事务,一是"地官司徒"辖属官员所职司,而"夏官司马"也有所兼及,主要是考察自然地理各方面条件,进行评价,进而作出选址规划,涉及"土会之法"、"土宜之法"、"土圭之法"、"土化之法"、"土均之法"、"任土之法"及"形体之法"等等。另一系统,是职"掌建邦之天神人鬼地抵之礼"的"春官宗伯"辖官所负责,主要以占星、卜筮、占武等决择城市、宫宅、陵墓、宗庙等建筑方位吉凶及兴造时辰。这两类事务传承于后世,形成了风水的两大流派。如见载班固的《汉书》,汉代有所谓"形法家"与"堪舆家"之分野,说详后文;传承至唐宋以后,则演变为"形势宗"与"理气宗"二大派。如清代丁芮朴《风水祛惑》谓:"风水之术,大抵不出形势、方位两家。言形势者,今谓之峦体i言方位者,今谓之理气。唐宋时人,各有宗派授受,自立门户,不相通同。"王伟《青岩丛录》阐析更为明白,有云:"后世言地理之术者分为二宗。一曰宗庙之法,始于闽中,其源甚远,及宋王权乃大行。其为说,主于星卦,阳山阳向,阴山阴向,不相乖错,纯取五星(按,即五行)八卦,以定生克之理。其学浙闽传之,而今用之者甚鲜。一曰江西之法,肇于赣人杨筠松、曾文遄;及赖大有、谢之逸之辈,尤精其学。其为说,主于形势,原其所起,即其所止,以定位向,专注龙、穴、砂、水之相配,其它拘忌,在所不论。其学盛行于今,大江南北,无不遵之。"
Feng Shui
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to utilize the Laws of both heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive Qi.The original designation for the discipline is Kan Yu .The words feng shui literally translate as "wind-water" in English. This is a cultural shorthand taken from the following passage of the Zhangshu (Book of Burial) by Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty.Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.EbFLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Traditional Feng Shui practice always requires an extremely accurate Chinese compass, or Luo Pan, in order to determine the directions in finding any auspicious sector in a desired location.[citation needed] Traditional Feng Shui also requires the calculation of a locations' life force energy or "Qi Level", as well as the numerical significance of a person including their birth-date, birth-hour, animal sign, and personal Gua number. In addition to this, the individual's destiny is calculated using Ba Zi or Chinese Star Astrology, where good luck stars and bad luck stars are based, and a Feng Shui audit is concluded.EbFLearn chinese in shanghai,Learn mandarin, Mandaringarden
Many western enthusiasts have incorrectly interpreted Feng Shui as a form of geomancy that is only based on furniture arranging and wide display of Buddhist amulets---a practice that is heavily discouraged and resented by professional Asian Feng Shui masters.


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